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Crowd Funding News

on Venture Boom:


About was created to:

  • Provide a platform and helpful information for start-ups and businesses needing funding, including crowd-funding.
  • Provide suitable webspace for small business clients that need a simple, single web page as a basic website, and either don’t yet have a full domain and website of their own, or have a need to supplement their existing website.
  • Provide aggregated, fresh business news from diverse sources around the web.
  • Provide aggregated business news from diverse sources around the web.
  • Provide original commentary, opinion on business and events in business news.
  • Provide informational resources for entrepreneurs, from established small business to start-ups with big idea.

This website is intended as a for-profit venture, by building relationships/business with clients and by generating ad revenue from website traffic. As of this writing, the traffic and revenue is almost zero, but hopefully both will improve over time!